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Choose the listing type below and complete the form. Submissions will typically be approved within 2 business days.

Featured jobs will remain prominently visible toward the top of the job board above all non-featured jobs, regardless of the posting date. The price to feature one job for 30 days is $50.

Non-featured jobs will be displayed below the featured listings in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top) according to their posting date.

Please note: This job board is focused on U.S.-based digital roles in progressive organizations and other social good organizations that are deeply in alignment with progressive values.

We welcome roles in the appropriate organizations for which any of the following is a substantial part of the job (or for which expertise in any of the following would be a big plus): email campaigning, digital organizing, social media, digital comms, digital ads, online fundraising, and digital marketing.

Associated technical jobs (data and digital analytics, UX, product, software engineering, graphic and website design, videography, etc.) are also welcome.

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Before you post a new job, please make sure it is not already posted on my job board.
The best way to do that is to check using the salary range of the role you'd like to post.

If you believe my jobs list contains an error and a posted job needs to be updated, please submit the correct information below and indicate what the issue is in the Additional Information field below.

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2. Job information

Tell us about the job you're posting.

Your free job post will be reviewed and if it meets the requirements, it will be approved by one of our moderators
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Featured Listings - $50 Each

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Publicly accessible link to your resume or LinkedIn profile
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What kind of organization are you looking for?
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How much money are you hoping to make at your next job?
Anything else you want to tell me about yourself or your job search?
How'd you find out about my services?
Thanks so much for signing up! Stay tuned for updates on job seeking and talent hiring for the progressive movement.
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