Recruitment Services:

I help progressive non-profits and agencies find and hire incredible individuals to advance their missions.

What I offer:
I help progressive non-profits and agencies find and hire incredible individuals to advance their missions. I do this through recruitment only services and through recruitment and hiring process services. 
If you’re interested in the nuts and bolts of these services, here is what I do at every phase of the process. 

Helping get a job listing together:
Interviewing stakeholders in the hiring process about what they're looking for Providing feedback on and/or editing (client's choice) a draft job listing to bring it in line with hiring and recruitment best practices (including but not limited to DEI best practices) Providing recommendations about how to structure the application and hiring process. 

Publicizing the job listing and actively recruiting people:
Developing a list of prospects from within my network, and giving the client the opportunity to provide feedback on them if desired to help calibrate my outreach and identify priority candidates to recruit. Posting job listing to multiple relevant job lists periodically (at least twice)Reaching out to my professional network to push the listing out Answering questions about the job from potential applicantsReviewing applications of prospective candidates and providing recommendations about who should or should not move on in the hiring process If desired, managing the process to select candidates to move on to the next round of hiringDoing a diversity screen on the cohort of candidates moving forward and doing additional targeted recruitment if necessary Outcome: An appropriately diverse group of 10-15 reasonably strong candidates to move forward in the process. 

Helping with the skills test
(should test core skills, and take no longer than 2 hours to complete)
Providing guidance on creating a skills test and a grading rubric for the test, plus feedback on drafts of both the test and the rubricInviting candidates to take the test If necessary, compiling responses to the test so it can be graded anonymouslyGrading the skills test if desired Working with the hiring manager to select candidates for the first round of interviewsOutcome: 5-10 good candidates to begin interviewing

Round One interviews
(structured interviews conducted over the phone, mainly focused on how the candidate might approach the work, soft skills, and whether they'd fit into the organizational culture)Creating a set of standardized interview questionsInviting the candidates to interviewsConducting 5-10 interviews and taking copious notesEnsuring candidates have satisfactory answers to questions they asked in the interview about the organization.Sharing notes and providing recommendations about candidates to proceed to the second roundOutcome: 2-4 candidates who are plausible hires to advance to the next round

Final interviews
(conducted by the key organizational stakeholders and decision-makers)
Inviting 2-4 candidates to interviewPreparing interviewers with candidate-specific questions, concerns, areas to dig into, etc. if necessaryLooking at the interview notes and providing recommendations or advice if desired Outcome: At least one and hopefully two candidates you’d be excited to hire, one of whom accepts the position.Timing considerations: The reference checks (see below) can happen along the same timeline as this round of interviews. 

Reference checks
Coming up with standardized reference check questionsConduct 3 reference checks (15-30 min each) per candidateSummarizing notes and evaluating responses   Outcomes: Due diligence performed and key information gathered.

Admin/logistical areas outside the scope of work
Paid advertising of any kindEntering all candidate contact info into a spreadsheet. (I'm happy to use candidate-tracking software you provide, and I'm happy to create a tracking spreadsheet for candidates who make it past the paper review if necessary.)  Sending correspondence to candidates about successfully or unsuccessfully moving ahead in the process (I can, however, provide templates for these emails).Posting the job listing to your website

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Fee structure:
I charge a project based fee based on the organizational budget size and the type of organization (e.g. nonprofit vs for-profit agency) in addition to a recruitment bonus based on a percentage of the salary.
For non-senior roles, these rates are flat project fees that anticipate a certain number of hours worked given the scope of work. Work outside of the scope of work or above the number of hours anticipated will be paid at an hourly rate or a set amount, depending on the situation. Thus far I have only had to charge for work outside the initial scope of work (not for extra hours broadly).  For senior roles (director-level or above), my fees are structured as a guaranteed fee plus a recruitment bonus, with the amount of each based on the salary range of the role and/or the salary of the person who is hired.  

I am also able to provide hourly consulting. 

Contact Matt for Recruitment Services

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